Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies
The one where I shared my secret with you :) well, it wasn’t much of a secret. I got tired of brewing dozens of teabags and reducing it to a spoonful, that would leave only a hit of Earl Grey notes. I wanted a BAM of earl grey. So I found out Earl Grey is actually made mostly out of a citrus fruit called Bergamot. And then found Bergamot extract on Amazon, and out came these cookies. perfect for tea or snacking. enjoy.
160g flour
1 stick butter (133g)
1/2 cup powder sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp bergamot ext
1 tsp lemon zest
Pinch salt
Cut up cold butter, throw in all the ingredients in a food processor and blend. Add in what you like- cacao nibs, pecans, chocolate chips, and hand mix it in.
Roll it up and serran wrap it, freeze it a few hours
Cut up into 1/3 inch slices to bake.
Bake at 350°F for 11 minutes or very slightly browned on edges.