jjajang noodles
Ingredients: Noodles
Noodles (1 serving)
Always a 2:1 flour:water ratio.
100g flour
50g water
Pinch salt
Ingredients: Sauce
1/2 cup minced pork (to preference)
minced garlic
1 cup total of minced veggies
4 Tbsp Choonjang (blackbean paste. Amazon / Hmart)
2 cups Water
2 tbsp sugar (or brown sugar)
Pulse flour, water, salt in food processor (or mix by hand)
Mix until you can form a ball. Dough will be dry but workable
Knead a few times, (step on the Dough in 2 layers of zip lock bags if necessary)
wrap and rest in fridge
In 1+ hour, roll it out very thin (2mm or less)
use cornstarch on your working surface as well as dough so noodles don’t stick
Fold it into sheets so you can cut it into noodles
Pan fry minced pork, then add veggies.
once everything is cooked, set it aside.
in the same pan, add oil and “fry” the sauce for 5 min
Add the veg/pork
Add water, bring to a boil
Add sugar to taste
In 2 tbsp water, mix in cornstarch really well
Add to sauce, simmer/ boil for another few minutes until thick
Boil noodles for 6-8 minutes in salt water. rinse in cold water
Add sauce to noodles!! Enjoy!!