Korean Pickles
equal parts (1 cup) of
veggies: 1 onion, 1 jalapeño, chayote (or radish. chayote is best)
cut veggies to bite size.
sterilize jars and lids by boiling in hot water. let them air dry.
in a pot, bring soysauce, sugar, water to a boil. then, add vinegar last and bring to a boil and let it cool for 5 minutes.
in the jar full of the veggies, pour the liquid. let sit in room temp 24 hrs, flip it over mid way.
the next day, drain the liquid, boil it again. this time, cool the liquid completely and pour it back in the jars. refrigerate and enjoy :)
make sure you take out the pickles with clean utensils every time, and it could last up to a whole year in your fridge! (if you make enough to last😉)